Best Website To Monetize With Amazon Affiliate

Amazon website

Let’s start by looking at the best Website to monetize with Amazon Affiliate that give the best results when it comes to selling Amazon Affiliate products. As you can see, they are websites much more oriented to the sale of products than other types of websites, and, precisely because of this, they convert much better.

Recommendations websites

The first option is to have a recommendation website. In other words, a website where keywords such as “What is the best [product]?” and the like. These are websites based on trust.

Essentially, they are websites in which reviews are made, or the opinions of buyers are collected, or products are compared. In this way, people who are going to make a purchase can find out on your website before deciding on one product or another.

Of course, in the very contents of the web you can direct the opinion of the buyer towards the product that interests you the most (although, in reality, it is best to be objective, to gain authority in the sector – in the long run it is better), and link to the product through your affiliate link.

The biggest problem that these types of websites have is that they need a lot of content, of a considerable length, and that, therefore, you cover few products with a fairly high investment.

Online stores

Another type of website that works very well when it comes to getting conversions is online stores. Online stores have some advantages over recommendation websites, although they also have extra problems.

When we talk about an online store with an Amazon Affiliation, we are talking about a simple online store, with the characteristics that you have seen a thousand times, but in which customers, instead of buying on the same website, are redirected to the web from Amazon when they click “Buy.”

These websites have the advantage over the previous ones of not having to write very extensive content, but you can make relatively short product sheets and, in this way, cover a much wider catalog of products and, therefore, achieve much more traffic.

However, it also has some problems. For example, it is normal for conversions to be relatively lower than in the previous case because the buyer is less “convinced” that what you are offering is the best option.

Thematic websites

Finally, there are the thematic websites. That is to say, websites with a certain brand that are dedicated to a specific topic (technology, men, women, cars …). In general, these pages have a very important advantage, but a great disadvantage.

The great advantage is that, as they are pages with a certain brand and specialized in a topic when you recommend a product, people tend to buy it quite easily, because they trust you.

The disadvantage is that 80% of the content of a website of this type is not oriented to the sale of products, but is informational content. Therefore, most of your traffic does not enter your website with the idea of ​​buying something.

However, if you have a large thematic website and you have not taken advantage of the affiliate opportunities, you can do Keyword Research on sales-oriented keywords, and publish them. You will notice a very voluminous increase in income in record time.
