What is the basic difference between affiliate marketing and freelance?

Affiliate Marketing Vs Freelance

Sometimes a general person gets confused about the difference between affiliate marketing and freelance. They seem Affiliate and freelance are the same things. But there have huge differences, in this article you are going to get details about this topic.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing, also known as affiliate marketing, is a business model that, if done professionally, is one of the most profitable ways to make money online. 

It basically consists of taking commissions for getting sales or subscriptions, promoting products or info-products of other people or companies through affiliate programs.

The difference with businesses like Dropshipping is that in affiliate marketing, sales are made by the company that owns the product, not the affiliates. All affiliates have to do is bring qualified traffic (people) to the product’s sales page, and if people make a purchase, they get a commission. 

In this way, affiliates avoid having problems with inventory, logistics, returns, refunds, etc … and must concentrate solely and exclusively on marketing.

Where is affiliate marketing used?

Affiliate marketing in Ukraine is already quite developed, and the popularity of such a promotion tool continues to grow. It is mainly used in the promotion of a company or brand on the Global Network to attract the audience’s attention and increase the number of sales. A few examples of such programs:

Live webinars

Watchers and latent customers can associate with you in real time. Many buyers enjoy this experience. This develops integrity and belief in the business or product;

Banner advertising.

A simple, proven, and effective way. All you need is to find web resources thematically related to a product or service and place ads on them. The principal point is to keep a site with huge traffic, so you can give a high number of latent buyers;

Social networks.

These are sites with a large number of users. Any of them can become a buyer. Properly designed advertising will allow you to get the desired audience reaction. The central job is to bring recognition to the product and to excite sentiments. Then you will achieve the final target auction – sales;

Advertising on forums.

On thematic programs, you can set yourself as a specialist who will be admitted to. The main thing is to be useful. Supplement your recommendations with links to products, and the reward for partnerships in the Internet business will not keep you waiting;

Intermediate landing pages.

Advanced single-page designs improve conversion rates and enable you to manage traffic streams. It will need a limited time to build such a website when using ready-made templates that can be adapted for an affiliate proposal.

Keys to understanding from the beginning

Affiliate marketing is a sales strategy of producers, who, instead of hiring sellers, enroll in affiliate programs so that they make sales in exchange for commissions.

The commissions of info products (online courses) and digital services (online platforms) are usually much higher than those of physical products due to the large differences in manufacturing and stock costs.

It may seem like a scam when we see that for most of the info products + 60% commission per sale is offered, so we say, “how can it be that if I make a sale, I will earn more as an affiliate than the creator of the product.” But if we start to analyze the business model, we realize that the producer, in these cases, is earning 40% of the sales of all its affiliates, which can be hundreds or thousands, while the affiliates only earn commissions for their individual sales.

What is freelancing in simple words?

You can usually hear the terms freelancers and freelance. If for some citizens this is a mysterious word, for others, it is a way of life. So what is freelancing?

Freelancing is remote “free” work. A specific kind of work in which you do not require to regularly get a business and take out orders from your superiors while managing hours since in this direction everyone decides independently with whom to cooperate and what services to offer to customers. 

Who are freelancers?

Some people still have no idea who a freelancer is “freelancer” is a free professional who runs for himself via the Internet.

He himself is looking for a customer and decides what work to do, and sets a work schedule. Freelancers can manage one or many customers.

In most cases, you can find representatives of the creative professions among freelancers. Although recently, engineers, consultants, teachers, and many others are engaged in remote work.

Why freelancing is becoming more and more popular

If you look closely, today, students, retirees, mothers, and office workers become freelancers.

Probably all the demand lies in the freedom of action and self-realization. Thanks to this direction, you no longer need to get up at 6 in the morning, quickly run to work, and ride in a crowded bus.

If you were told what and how to do at work all the time, then there are only the wishes of the customers and complete freedom. What could be better? No bosses, no jealous employees, and no penalties for being late or not following a plan.

Where to look for freelance work

Do you think finding a job on the Internet is difficult? In fact, everything is very simple. Today, there are a large number of freelance exchanges on the Internet, where you can find a proven customer and start earning good money.

  • Freelancer.com
  • Fiverr.com
  • Upwork.com