Tips To Get The Most Out Of Amazon affiliates

Amazon Affiliates

In this article, we’ll take a look at a couple of practical tricks and Tips to get The Most Out Of Amazon affiliates (whether of the previous types or not). As you will see, they are simple tricks, but they will allow you to gain a few tenths more in your conversion percentage.

Reliable content

In the long run, the best thing you can do is create trustworthy content. That is, if a product is worth $ 500 and is worse than another that is worth $ 300, it is best to recommend the 300, even if your commission will be lower. Obtain reliability because you always recommend the best, it is the most effective in the long term.

You can also use other little tricks to make your content more reliable. For example, you can use review systems in your own posts, comparisons, product rankings, buyer opinions …

Anything that can help make your content more reliable is positive when it comes to getting more sales.

Images with link

A very simple trick that is relatively easy to apply is to have images redirect to Amazon. In this way, when the user is viewing your content and is interested in one of the images, they click on it, and they are redirected to the Amazon page.

Once there, of course, you can go backwards again. But, in general, if you have already convinced him minimally, it is quite likely that he will end up making the purchase. So it’s a pretty smart practice to increase conversions and get more out of images.

Seductive Copys

In line with the above, we must talk about the seductive copys. This would be included in the previous section, but it is so important and it is a subject with such an entity of its own that it deserves to be treated separately.

Copies are those texts that end up hooking the reader and convince him that the best thing to do is to make the purchase. This type of copy is not necessary to use throughout the entire text, but you must ensure that, in the appropriate places, there are texts capable of seducing and convincing the user to click on your affiliate link.

In general, this type of copy is usually used near the buttons (see next section), to finish encouraging them to click.


Finally, it is also important to use buttons and other CTAs (Call To Action). And is that a fairly common error is to place only normal links throughout the text. And, in general, this is not the most effective.

People don’t pay much attention to those kinds of links. For best results it is best to use a relatively large and eye-catching button with “Click here for more information” text.

These types of buttons also allow you to increase the conversion rate by a few tenths. And, in the end, this consists of adding tenths of conversion.

As you can see, Amazon Affiliates still has a long way to go and, if you apply it properly, it can lead to a large amount of money. So … Are you willing to monetize your website with this system?

What tricks do you use?

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