Three Tips For Building Affiliate Marketing Website

Building Your Affiliate Marketing Website

So, have you decided to try your hand at building Affiliate Marketing Website? Really a wise move.

In this period, more and more companies are turning to affiliate marketing to promote their products or services. Creating a web portal and monetizing it thanks to an affiliate system is a strategic choice, which will allow you to collect really interesting sums at the end of each month. Provided you set up your site correctly!

In this article, we want to give you five tips on how to best set up your affiliate channel on your website. So, let’s see together what are the fundamental aspects to take care of when creating an affiliate portal:

Choose an affiliate channel in line with your user niche

The first thing you need to consider when deciding to start monetization based on an affiliate system is to choose a service or product that is in line with your user niche.

For example, if you have a blog that talks about photography, you should promote products that are related to this user niche, such as cameras and lenses.

Do not fear. Whatever the type of users who read your site, you will surely find many different services that you can use to do Affiliate Marketing. Here are some examples:

  • Amazon: the online shopping giant. Already with this, you can fix virtually any niche.
  • Hosting Services: Many companies that offer hosting services have affiliate channels that allow you to earn decent sums by promoting their services. SiteGround, for example, is one of them.
  • Website Themes: If you talk about Web Design, for example, you might be interested in promoting the graphic templates of ElegantThemes or ThemeForest.
  • Online Training: If you talk about training, Udemy’s affiliate channel is the one for you.
  • If you work in the tourism sector, you can activate the affiliation with Booking to allow your users to book directly from your website.

We know it seems obvious but surely you will have come across dozens and dozens of websites that arbitrarily sponsor products of all kinds, in no way connected to their own niche.

Choosing not to focus on the needs of users in our niche is counterproductive for two reasons:

  • You won’t get many conversions
  • We will tend to lose the trust of our users

The first point is quite trivial: if we advertise products that do not interest our users it will be more difficult to sell them.

On the second aspect, just think about how much users hate advertising on websites (when it is not well contextualized).

Sponsor products within a useful and real context

When you decide to promote a certain product or service, you should take care to build storytelling around it, that is, you should contextualize that specific product within a typical situation in which your average user might find himself.

Let’s go back to the example of photography and suppose we want to promote a new canon telephoto model.

Writing an article in which we talk only and exclusively about the merits of the product and the technical specifications is of little use. That information is also on the box.

What your users really need is to understand if that product is right for them or not and this can be achieved by presenting the user with an example of a product use case.

I’ll explain. If you want to promote a telephoto lens, first explain to users how that product can be used in a real-world context. Talk about how it can be used to photograph birds and buildings in the distance or how it can be used to photograph the Moon.

By offering your users use cases, you will activate their mirror neurons, particular brain cells that have the function of arousing people’s interest in the products/experiences / services that they find attractive.

Advertise only valid products

The worst thing you can do when choosing to promote a product is to promote a poor product.

Whenever you want to bring new promotional content to your website, first make sure you are promoting a product that is actually useful and effective.

Users choose to buy from your website because they trust you! Losing the trust of your users to earn a few more dollars is the most deleterious choice you can make.

Organize your articles into well-defined categories

Keeping your website tidy is key to allowing your users to effectively find what they need.

For this reason, it takes great care of the categorization of your content, in order to facilitate users who, want to deepen the articles of a certain category.

With WordPress, managing categories for posts becomes super easy

It may seem like a secondary element to the promotion, but trust me, a well-organized navigation will earn you more users and consequently more money
