Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pros and Cons

Affiliate Marketing With Amazon Associates

Is Amazon affiliate profitable nowadays? In this article, I’m gonna describe everything about Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pros and Cons

Amazon is the most popular online store in the world. It would be difficult to find someone who doesn’t know him. Due to its popularity, it is quite easy to recommend and advertise products from this online store. In fact, Amazon users hardly have any concerns about stealing financial or personal information, which is why there is less friction and questions for users when shopping there.

But if you know about Amazon and its likely earning potential, why not start making money by recommending products that are beneficial to you? You can do this by joining Amazon’s own affiliate program, Amazon Associates.

Amazon partner marketing: getting started

As with any affiliate program or network, becoming part of Amazon Associates requires an application first. The qualifications are pretty straightforward. Once you know what you are doing, getting approval is pretty easy.

First, you must have proof of your services online. Amazon wants to know where you will be promoting your products. The Amazon brand is actually worried about the quality of the brand sold and is trying to pre-protect the “guarantor” of its already famous name from low-quality material.

You may have a website, app, or social media (such as a Youtube channel or Facebook page) with enough followers. Amazon does not accept most paid traffic sources. Therefore, you cannot use PPC, social media advertising or everything else in your work with it.

Secondly, you need to know exactly how you will drive traffic to your resource, application, or page. As you will be describing these methods at the time of your registration. If you plan to use a website, make sure it has enough content to prove that it is already active and already receiving traffic, no matter how much: little, much, or none at all.

The purpose of your website or application should be clear as well. Because Amazon also wants reassurance with its campaign policy.

After you have made sure that all of the above is available, you can apply to Amazon Associates Central. You will immediately get access to the platform dashboard after registration.

Also, you will be given 180 days to submit at least one qualified sale to Amazon. If you do not do this, your affiliate account will be closed. Once you receive your first referral sale, your application will be evaluated. Make sure you have posted the correct information at the time of your application. Otherwise, your account will also be blocked.

Earning with amazon associates

Earnings are made on a referral basis. When someone buys from your link, you get a percentage of that sale. You don’t make money on leads or impressions – only on sales.

Amazon Associates cookies last only 24 hours. If the user you referred to Amazon makes purchases after the cookie expires, you will not be billed for payment.

The percentage you get from a sale depends on the category of the products being sold.

Payments are made only after reaching the payout threshold. The minimum is $ 10 for Amazon gift cards and $ 100 for checks. Amazon Associates is adhering to a Net-60 payment schedule. This means that your income for the entire of January will only be paid by the end of March.

Final thoughts on the promotion of amazon products

There are many types of affiliate programs available on the internet. And Amazon’s affiliate marketing style is certainly different from the rest. At the very least, after having a sufficient number of nuances that need to be studied properly. Unless you want to be kicked out of the program, of course.

Unlike typical affiliate networks, Amazon Associates does not provide managers, so you are on your own. But this is a pretty profitable program from a very stable and reliable company, so you will not live in fear of not receiving money from your referral. Plus, you can be sure that this program will be relevant even for years to come.

So, is it worth doing? Yes, definitely worth a try.
