Affiliate Marketing on Amazon: How It Works, Benefits and Advantages

Affiliate Marketing on Amazon

What is Affiliate Marketing on Amazon? Amazon is one of the great eCommerce platforms in the world. It grows by leaps and bounds and as it does so it designs new business models, really interesting for those who are already part of the marketplace or those who want to do so. One of them is its affiliate program, free, simple, and considered one of the best programs of its kind.

It is an affiliate program that allows brands to create links to marketplace products and to award commissions for any sales generated through these links. Amazon allows the affiliate to search for the products they want to promote and to create the affiliate links. That is, take traffic from your website to the marketplace. This diagram clearly explains the process.

Advantages for Affiliate Marketing Brands on Amazon

How Does Amazon Affiliate Marketing Benefit Brands?

Marketplaces account for 70% of users’ eCommerce searches. And more than 80% of them end up buying through these platforms. If to this trend we add one of the most influential factors in online shopping, such as the recommendation of family members to friends, blogs, influencers, etc. (word of mouth, as we extract from the latest study on eCommerce carried out by IAB), we have a very powerful cocktail to attract more consumers and thereby increase sales and income.

There is no cost to Amazon affiliate marketing for brands. The costs that are generated are borne by Amazon, and in this way, you can create relationships with content creators passively without the need to invest money, but with the advantage of being able to reach the brand to a much larger audience.

No need to do extra activities or spend time on this task. By having the catalog uploaded to the platform, any Amazon affiliate will be able to make visible the brand’s products under this program, and from there try to give them projection in their media.

Benefits for Affiliate Marketing Content Creators on Amazon

It does not involve investment. Simply register in the Amazon Associates account and fill in the required information.

It is a great claim for content generators since they offer their users the security of making their purchases in a trusted marketplace.

The commission that can be earned is between 3% and 12% per sale generated. If no sales are generated, nothing happens, it has no cost for either party (neither affiliate nor seller). So, having said the above, if you are a content creator and are not in a hurry to increase your income, you have a loyal community and you want to add additional value to it, Amazon affiliate marketing is surely a good option for you when it comes to generate extra income.

It is also an excellent way to create new relationships with brands, and for them to see your monetization capacity in a tangible way.

With the affiliate influencers program Amazon allows you to create your own store on its platform, as if it were your own eCommerce, with all your recommended products. You can link this store to your website or social profile directly so that your audience always has your recommendations at hand, thus generating a recurring point of income. As a requirement, it is only required to have a profile on one of these social networks: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. And apply to the corresponding form so that they can review your request.

How to use Amazon affiliate marketing in your sales strategy?

To get the most out of your Amazon affiliate program, it is interesting that you consider the following tips.

1. Know your audience.

It is essential that you know the interests of your audience. Perhaps at first it requires some experimentation. You can try promoting different products at the same time to see which ones work best or target different markets. You will have to find out what it is that adds the most value to your audience.

2. Research the affiliate market products on Amazon.

Research what you are going to sell before promoting it. That is, whether a seller or company comes to you, or the other way around, you should always be honest with your community about the quality and price of your products. An excessively cheap or flawed product could permanently damage the confidence of your audience, and your ability to sell things in the future will suffer. So analyze the brand, what it sells, or try the product in question, but don’t promote anything just for money. Since you’re going to do it, do it right.

3. Analyze the best-selling items in your niche.

There are different tools that will allow you to know which are the best-selling products in your market niche. If you don’t know how to do it, write to us and we will help you. Once you have a list of the best sellers, your thing is to do a keyword search to find out which are the most related to the products you have selected, as well as their search volume.

4. Create trustworthy content.

Create reliable and attractive content for your consumers. We recommend using a powerful copy, good images, and some call to action that seduces the potential client. Above all, be transparent and do not hide that it is an affiliate marketing strategy. You are selling something of value so why hide it?

5. Ask for specialized help.

As we said, this is a task that requires time and dedication, so arm yourself with patience and remember that in affiliate marketing the benefits begin to be seen in the long term. And of course, don’t forget that there are specialized agencies like ours that can help you at all times to create an effective strategy.

How much commission is paid to Amazon affiliates?

The commissions that Amazon pays to its affiliates vary depending on the country, the category of the products, or the number of incomes generated.

Amazon affiliate marketing allows you to multiply your business. Used well it is more effective than a dealer network or even influencer marketing, with which you can never know if a sale is finally going to close.
