How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon Affiliation

Ok, as promised, here is a checklist of the entire process that will lead you to make money with amazon affiliate marketing from your blog simply by recommending/promoting the products for sale on Amazon:

Below we will tell you about the various steps in a little more detail …

Step by Step Guide To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate

1 – Create your blog

Well… we would say that this step is essential! We won’t go into the explanation because everybody knows that it is a MUST to have a blog to be eligible for affiliate marketing.

2 – Sign up for the Amazon affiliate program

To register it is very simple, just go TO THIS PAGE (Choose your country) and follow the guided procedure.

NOTE: to be sure of being accepted into the program, you must have already created a blog and preferably published at least a couple of articles (otherwise they may think that you are not working on it seriously and it will not bring them results)

3 – Work on your brand

As already explained to you, the simple fact that you own a personal blog succeeds (incredibly) in qualifying you as an expert in a particular field, and therefore in giving you the credibility you need to convince your readers to buy what you suggest.

However, if you can work well on your brand and really try to help your readers, in a short time you will get passionate followers, much more likely to be influenced by your judgments (to whom you can also propose your products and services).

4 – Promote products that are consistent with your niche

Within your blog, you must offer affiliate products consistent with the topic you are dealing with.

Isn’t it logical? If you talk about Yoga, it makes little sense to promote Christmas trees (yes, even in December).

This will also help you to make more income because you will offer people who visit you something they really need at that time.

Another advantage: knowing that on your blog they can find targeted suggestions on the topic of their interest, when they need clarification on the purchase of a certain product, they will come back to you to find out your opinion.

5 – Create your content with readers’ intentions in mind

What We are about to give you is a suggestion similar to the previous one, but more specific.

If you are a beginner you may be making a mistake: promoting products “simply” related to the niche.

The most important tool you have is your brain: use it to understand the real intentions of the “typical visitor” of certain content and offer him what he is REALLY looking for.

Did you understand the difference? If you don’t understand, read it again, it is very important to optimize your earnings.

6 – Promote quality products (that sell well)

If a product sells well on Amazon, you are more likely to be bought by your visitors.

To find the best-selling products, just search among the Amazon bestsellers:

They are tested: if they have had good sales performances, they will probably also have them in the future (at least until they become obsolete)

Whether we like it or not, our purchasing decisions are influenced by the opinion of other people. If a product is among the best sellers, it is as if it were automatically recommended by other people (usually a bestseller also has excellent reviews and excellent ratings).

7 – Promote product categories and personalized searches

You must know that with Amazon you do not have the obligation to insert affiliate links pointing to a single product.

You also have the ability to create affiliate links to ANY page on Amazon, and this includes pages with multiple products (for example an entire category or a personalized search).

This feature allows you to do very interesting things, such as creating links only to products rated with 4 stars up, or only to products the price included in a certain range.

8 – Promote special promotions

Discounts are a sales magnet. My advice is to take advantage of it as much as possible, creating ad hoc content.

Remember to focus a lot on the Christmas period and Black Friday: in these periods not only very interesting discounts will be available, but people will also buy gifts for their loved ones.

9 – Enter your Amazon affiliate link several times

If the main purpose of your article is to make money through affiliate links, you should definitely enter this link several times, so that the reader has a better chance to see and click on it.

You can differentiate the type of link: maybe the first time it uses a neutral link, then a button, then something even more visible, like an image.
