3 Fundamentals of Content Marketing on Facebook

Content Marketing on Facebook

Today we want to share with you three fundamentals that we believe are important to create effective Content Marketing on Facebook.

There is no doubt that content marketing has acquired supreme relevance when it comes to capturing the attention of the public, generating commitment (engagement), and creating loyalty within a social community. 

Most of the companies that consult us about marketing on Facebook have a problem in common, knowing what type of content you can use to attract the attention of your fans.

Well, the answer is simple, create good content and that means: inform, help, provide solutions, make your followers laugh, in short, make people’s lives more enjoyable and easier.

In no case name try to sell him …, we will make it clearer, do not try to sell him in a plain and simple way. It does not work!

The three fundamentals of good content

1.  Effectiveness

To be effective in your posts, keep the following in mind:

  • The Content-Type varies between text, images, and video.
  • The posts with good images have 60% more likes, more comments, and are more shared.
  • The texts of the most effective publications are between 75 and 100 characters.
  • Publish 5 to 7 posts a week at least.

Take into account the best time to publish, Facebook today provides you that metric, within the statistics

Create a publication calendar based on 5 or 7 main themes. Use the keywords in your posts and alternatively prepend a # (hashtag)

2. Specific and relevant

This means that you should:

  • Know your audience (ages, gender, place of origin, etc.)
  • Know their tastes and interests, be consistent with their tastes, not yours.
  • Be timely publishes on occasional or summer season theme, keep in mind important dates and Christmas parties
  • Create links that lead your fans to articles on your website or third parties that answer or resolve a common concern.

3. Irresistibility

  • Deliver value to your fans and prioritize your releases, and offer them to subscribe to your free content.
  • Create contests and giveaways with prizes from your company. Give away coupons or offer promotions with irresistible discounts.
  • Help all your fans, even if they are not clients, that will position your company as a brand that solves problems for people, this causes a strong Branding impact in favor of your business.
  • Create ads frequently, such as sponsored posts, you will reach more people and you can expand your brand.
  • Create offers only for fans of your products or services once a month no more, and focused on the solution and for the benefit of your fans.

Dear readers, these are the three basic and guiding fundamentals that we hope will help you create attractive relevant content for your Facebook followers. They are based on the experiences of our clients and other authors with even more experience, however, you should try what works best for your type of company or product and the type of social community.

We also hope that if the content presented here is relevant to you, you will leave me your comment and share it. Knowledge is useless if it is not shared. Thank you very much.
