10 Psychological Tips To Increase Conversion

Psychological Tips To Increase Conversions

You don’t need to invent anything to increase conversion, marketers have long thought of and analyzed everything. We just have to choose the right techniques and adapt them to our goals.

Although each person is an individual, we have something in common: on average, we show the same model of behavior, and accordingly, we all succumb to the influence of psychological traps.

In this amazonproduct4u.com article, we have listed for you 10 of the most workable and widely used psychological tricks to increase conversions.

1. Demonstrate openness and transparency

The more information about the creators and project managers is presented on the site, the better. People like to see and know the person who offers them services. You can also add photos of the leader and other project participants to the site, this will increase audience loyalty.

It is important to use this tool to the maximum, it is desirable to evoke positive emotions from a potential buyer towards the person, the face of the company. It is much easier than arousing emotions in a person for an inanimate object, a company. Buy from a person, often only the excellent use of this trick ensures commercial success.

2. Create artificial scarcity

If a person is told that some product will soon disappear from the store shelves, then he will immediately run to buy it, and even in such quantities that he does not need at all.

With sites on the internet, this will also perform well. You can make restrictions on places for a subscription or a limited number of products.

There are just a couple of subtleties to this trick that most employing entrepreneurs overlook. Accordingly, they do not feel any noticeable effect. It is important that the deficit does not look artificial; for this, organic arguments can be given so that the potential buyer actually believes that tomorrow he may not be able to buy the product anymore. Yes, this is a blow to fear, for it to be strong, a person must believe.

3. Show the price after the product description

Before setting the price of a product or service, it is best to first make a small presentation of it. When the cost of a product comes before the description, it immediately scares off many potential customers. When they see the price first, they won’t continue reading the description and leave the site.

4. Show how the product will look during the operation

People are not always interested in how this or that thing looks on the cover because in reality, its appearance can be completely different. Therefore, it is a big plus when the product is shown in its natural environment of use. Sometimes it is not always clear what size the product is, you should add ordinary objects to it, by which you can navigate. This will greatly simplify the life of the client and he will make his choice faster.

5. Highlight the most profitable option

Make a selection from several offers, and place the most profitable for you in the middle. It is worth highlighting it with various triggers, such as design, inscriptions, etc. According to statistics, people choose the option that is in the middle more often.

6. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes.

If during the work of the company obvious and even non-obvious mistakes were made, then you must admit them and emphasize the fact that you notice and correct your mistakes. Hiding or denying the fact of a mistake can lead to negativity in your direction. Companies that admitted that their actions and strategies were not entirely successful gained more loyalty from consumers. People are more likely to decide that you will become better and decide to stay with you also because at the subconscious level they perfectly understand: the presence and recognition of a mistake is the only chance for growth, and development always commands respect.

7. Use social approval

When choosing a product or service, we often study what other users think of the product. Therefore, a plus will be the presence of a section with reviews. You can also add a photo or video with opinion authors. It’s important to understand that the trick will only work if the reviews look like they can be trusted. Everyone is aware of how cheated reviews look like and such a move gives more negative than positive.

Having negative reviews that are competently handled by a company representative is much better than 100 “5 *” out of 100 reviews.

8. Correctly indicate the product description

The product description should be as clear as possible for the target audience. In most cases, it is a mistake to limit yourself only to technical characteristics; you also need to tell about the product in simple, everyday language.

To highlight any advantages, a comparison scheme is ideal. You need to choose a competitor’s product or generalize it, and then compare it with what you offer.

9. Focus on uniqueness

People love buying unique things, it gives us a sense of individuality and specialty. Therefore, if someone is told that the product is a limited edition, with a small number of copies, it will cause a stir around him.

10. Don’t offer a wide choice

Lack of choice for the client is not good, but too many options are even worse. A person begins to get lost and cannot decide if a large list of monotonous goods is given, which are not much different. It is best to limit yourself to 5-6 options per product category. Unless, of course, you are a large store or aggregator.
